For examle, you could pass the game from a gamer Windows PC to an older machine with Linux that is still capable of streaming in good quality. This means, that you can have a separate PC just for streaming (and a quite good local connection speed). You can transfer audio/video input and output over IP using NewTek's NDI™ technology. These effects include blurring, color grading, 3D transformation, Dynamic masking and other cool features. Just install the obs-streamfx which is also available in the AUR for Arch Linux. (A fix local IP might be useful.) More filters Then find out your local IP address and connect from the app. I recommend using the StreamControl app from the Google Play Store. Now download an app that is built on WebSockets. You can use a simple web interface here or an Android app (see below). You can set a password by enabling authentication. Now restart OBS if running, go to Tools, WebSocket Server Settings, and enable the WebSockets server. Important: if you use a firewall, make sure to add port 4444 to the allow list. You most probably have to install it from github on other distros.

It is available in the AUR for Arch Linux. You can use the obs-websocket extension to remotely control the behavior of OBS Studio through the network. The package is probably named obs-studio Extensions Remote control